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  • Tên Plugin: HiddenArmor

  • Phiên bản: 1.0

  • Tác giả: Khôi đẹp trai

  • Giá tiền ad phải trả: 100k nhá

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Good to know: A succinct video overview is a great way to introduce folks to your product. Embed a Loom, Vimeo or YouTube video and you're good to go! We love this video from the fine folks at Loom as a perfect example of a succinct feature overview.

Guides: Jump right in

Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:

Good to know: your product docs aren't just a reference of all your features! use them to encourage folks to perform certain actions and discover the value in your product.

Fundamentals: Dive a little deeper

Learn the fundamentals of MyProduct to get a deeper understanding of our main features:

Good to know: Splitting your product into fundamental concepts, objects, or areas can be a great way to let readers deep dive into the concepts that matter most to them. Combine guides with this approach to 'fundamentals' and you're well on your way to great documentation!

Last updated